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Read online book Combat Aircraft: Fw 200 Condor Units of World War 2 115 by Chris Goss in PDF


Initially designed as an airliner, the Condor Fw 200 found a role in the Luftwaffe as a maritime reconnaissance and anti-shipping aircraft during World War 2. As the German blitzkrieg swept across Europe, French airfields became available to Fw 200 units, allowing aircraft to fly around the UK and far into the Atlantic. In October 1940, the Fw 200 achieved its first notable success when it crippled the liner Empress of Great Britain. The Fw 200's effectiveness in this role earned it the nickname of 'Scourge of the Atlantic', menacing Ailled shipping by either attacking directly or guiding U-boats to their prey. Increased production could not keep up with the attrition rate, however, as mechanical failures and vulnerabilities to Allied aircraft took their toll in the later years of the war. Packed with rare first-hand accounts, profile artwork and photographs, this is the history of one of the unsung stars of the Luftwaffe. Osprey Combat Aircraft Series Comprehensive histories of fighting aircraft and their crews, highlighting their vital role in the development of warfare in the 20th and 21st centuries, A unique source of information, researched by recognised experts and brought to life by first-hand accounts from the combat veterans themselves, Concise, authoritative text is supported by at least 30 original colour artworks, specially commissioned scale drawings, and the best archival photography from around the world Book jacket., Initially designed as an airliner, the Fw 200 Condor gained the moniker 'Scourge of the Atlantic' because of its audacious attacks on Allied shipping and the direction of U-boats against convoys. Although eventually outclassed by the Allied introduction of escort carriers and their fighters and longer-range maritime patrol aircraft, the Fw 200 served from 1940 through to 1944. The Fw 200 Condor first made an appearance over Norway in April 1940, flying with the unit that eventually become synonymous with it - Kampfgeschwader 40. As the war in the west progressed, and German forces advanced, French airfields opened up, allowing the Condor to fly around the UK and out into the Atlantic, where it rapidly established itself as one of the key menaces to Allied shipping. Able to attack shipping directly, or able to guide U-Boats to their prey the Condor scored its first major success when it crippled the liner Empress of Great Britain. But the tables were to turn on the 'Scourge of the Atlantic' as mechanical failures induced by their harsh operating environment and changes in Allied tactics began to take a toll. Vulnerable to aerial attack, the deployment of Allied carriers and their associated fighters combined with the introduction of more loing range maritime patrol aircraft exposed the Condor's deficiencies. Packed with rare first-hand accounts, profile artwork and photographs, this is the history of one of the unsung types to take to the skies during World War 2., The Fw 200 Condor first made an appearance over Norway in April 1940, flying with the unit that eventually become synonymous with it: Kampfgeschwader 40. As the war in the west progressed and German forces advanced, French airfields opened up, allowing the Condor to fly around the United Kingdom and out into the Atlantic, where it rapidly established itself as one of the key menaces to Allied shipping. Able to attack shipping directly or to guide U-boats to their prey, the Condor scored its first major success when it crippled the liner Empress of Great Britain . But the tables were to turn on the "Scourge of the Atlantic" as mechanical failures induced by their harsh operating environment and changes in Allied tactics began to take a toll. Since it was vulnerable to aerial attack, the deployment of Allied carriers and their associated fighters combined with the introduction of more long-range maritime patrol aircraft, exposed the Condor's deficiencies. Packed with rare first-hand accounts, profile artwork, and photographs, this is the history of oneof the unsung types that took to the skies during World War II.

Read book Combat Aircraft: Fw 200 Condor Units of World War 2 115 by Chris Goss in TXT, DOC, DJV